US-Mexico Cross-Border FAQs

 In Business, Fletes Mexico, Shipping to Mexico, Supply chain & Logistics, Supply chain & Logistics, TLCAN, TLCAN, Transporte de Carga, Trucking, Trucking, USMCA, USMCA

Where will my shipment cross the border?

Most of Mexicom’s shipments  from the US to Mexico cross the border at Laredo, TX.

Due to its geostrategic importance,  Laredo Texas is one of the most important crossing points between the US and Mexico. Mexicom has an office in Laredo Texas, where we are able to consolidate, deconsolidate,  cross-dock, and transload cargo if needed.

What is drayage?

Drayage is the process of transporting cargo from one side of the border to another point of the border. For example,  from the US side of the border to the  Mexican side to the border.

How long does it take for my shipment to clear customs and cross the border?

Generally, 2 days are considered for the border crossing. However, the time that cargo takes to clear customs and cross the border will depend on many factors. The lack of required documentation or the delivery of documentation with errors can delay the border-crossing process.

Recommended reading: Calculating transit times for freight shipments  from Canada and the US to Mexico 

What happens at the border crossing if my shipment is transloaded?

This means that during the border-crossing process,  the drayage company will take the trailer across the border to a transload facility, where the load is going to be transferred from the Mexican trailer to a US trailer. The US trailer will complete the transportation of the goods until the final destination.

Recommended reading: Understanding the two US-Mexico border crossing options: Tarnsloading and Through-Trailer

What happens at the border crossing if I’m paying for a  Through-Trailer service?

During the border-crossing process,  the drayage company will take the trailer from the mexican carrier’s yard to a partner’s yard in the US, so the load will remain in the same trailer during the whole border-crossing process.

Recommended reading: Understanding the two US-Mexico border crossing options: Tarnsloading and Through-Trailer

What are the most common reasons why cargo is held at the US-Mexico border?

  • Late documentation
  • Lack of required information. For instance: insufficient description of the goods or missing valuation information.
  • Incorrect documents presented. For instance: bill of lading or commercial invoice.

What are the border-crossing fees?

Often times, there is a fee for the border crossing service, which includes freight transportation between the two sides of the borders.

When the transportation company or freight forwarder is the one providing the border crossing service, it allows some time free of charge at the Mexican-US border. For example,  Mexicom Logistics allows two business days at the US-Mexico border at no charge. After this timeline, an extra fee is charged per day. In case of detention with power,  the fee increases.

Please notice that the US-Mexico Border crossing fee includes only transportation services,  and it does not include customs paperwork.

Do I need a customs broker?

Yes. When crossing freight from US to Mexico, American and Mexican customs brokers are needed.


Marben Acosta Teran leads the international B2B marketing strategy for Mexicom Group. With a strong focus on delivering valuable and impactful content in the freight transportation and logistics industry, Marben is proud to be part of a dedicated team driving innovation and fostering continuous growth in the industry.
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