Everything you need to know about the Export Declaration before shipping freight from Canada to Mexico

 In Business, Fletes Mexico, NAFTA, NAFTA, NAFTA TLCAN USMCA, Shipping to Mexico, Supply chain & Logistics, Supply chain & Logistics, TLCAN, TLCAN, Transporte de Carga, Trucking, Trucking, USMCA, USMCA

If you are exporting goods from Canada to Mexico for the first time, chances are that you have heard about the B3A. In this post, we explain everything you need to know about the export declaration and keep you up-to-date on the new regulations concerning this form.

Exporting goods from Canada to Mexico

One of the most common questions first-time shippers ask us when planning to ship goods from Canada to Mexico is: Do I need to hire a customs broker?

Here  is a breakdown of the answer:


On the one hand, if you are a Canadian shipper that intends to send goods to Mexico,  you don’t need to hire a customs broker. However, you need to report to the Canadian Government that you are exporting.

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) requires you to declare all goods that require an Export Declaration prior to leaving Canada.

On the other hand,  you need to make sure that the  company importing  the goods in Mexico  complies with the following:

  • Is registered as an importer for the goods that they want to import to  Mexico.
  •  Has a Mexican customs broker who pulls information and documents together to clear the goods through customs in Mexico.


Shipments being transported from Canada to Mexico through the United States and that are not intended to be commercialized in the U.S., are called in-bond loads and they do not clear customs in the US border.

Learn more about in-bond shipments here


The Canadian Export Declaration (B13A form)

As stated earlier,  if you are a Canadian exporter shipping goods to Mexico,  you must declare all goods that require an Export Declaration prior to leaving Canada.

Export Declaration Timeframes

According to the CBSA, Export Declaration timeframes depend on the shipping mode:

  • Air: 2 hours before the goods are loaded onto the aircraft
  • Marine: 48 hours before the goods are loaded onto the vessel
  • Rail: 2 hours before the goods are loaded onto the railcar
  • Mail: 2 hours before the goods are delivered to the post office
  • Highway: Immediately before leaving the country

Mexicom Logistics ships goods from Canada to Mexico by road.

Recent changes to the Export Declaration Process

Please note that:

CBSA is no longer accepting paper Export Declaration forms (B13A), all export declarations must be reported electronically. – Canada Border Services Agency

Exports reporting methods:

There are  3 methods available to submit export declarations (one of them is about to be eliminated on September 30). The CBSA recommends using the Canadian Export Reporting System (CERS), which you can access here.

Useful resources to export  from Canada to Mexico:

  • Canadian Export Reporting System: https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/prog/cers-scde/menu-eng.html
  • List of goods that do NOT need an export declaration: https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/export/ndr-adr-eng.html
  • Guide to exporting commercial goods from Canada: https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/export/guide-eng.html
  • NAFTA Certificate of Origin: https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/forms-formulaires/b232-eng.html
  • How do I choose a freight forwarder to ship goods across  North America?: https://mexicomlogistics.com/how-can-i-choose-a-freight-forwarder-to-ship-ltl-across-north-america/
  • Exporting fro Ontario to Mexico: https://mexicomlogistics.com/export-process-from-ontario-to-mexico/
  • Exporting from Quebec to Mexico: https://mexicomlogistics.com/exporting-from-quebec-to-mexico-process-stats-and-transport-provider/


Final note:

Make sure to have a reliable freight shipping provider,  able to transport your commercial goods from Canada to Mexico hassle-free!
Mexicom Logistics specializes in transporting goods from Canada to Mexico.

If you need a quote, please contact us at info@mexicomlogistics.com





Marben Acosta Teran leads the international B2B marketing strategy for Mexicom Group. With a strong focus on delivering valuable and impactful content in the freight transportation and logistics industry, Marben is proud to be part of a dedicated team driving innovation and fostering continuous growth in the industry.
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