Updates on COVID-19 and Supply Chains and Ground Transportation in Canada, the US and Mexico

 In Business, Business & Data, Fletes Mexico, Freight, NAFTA TLCAN USMCA, Shipping to Mexico, Supply chain & Logistics, Supply chain & Logistics, TLCAN, TLCAN, Transporte de Carga, Trucking, Trucking, USMCA, USMCA



with information and support resources provided by Canadian, American and Mexican government officials
and other key stakeholders regarding the state of the ground freight transportation industry
across North America amid the COVID-19 crisis

Mexicom Logistics keeps working to help keep
North American Supply Chains running amid the COVID-19 crisis

Do you need to transport essential supplies between  Canada, the U.S. and Mexico?
Contact us: info@mexicomlogistics.com 



Mexico | United States | Canada

USMCA: Uniform Regulations Released 

June 3, 2020

Canada, the US and Mexico have concluded the negotiation at the technical level of the Uniform Regulations referred to in Article 5.16 of the Agreement between Mexico, United States and Canada (T-MEC), which instructs the Parties to adopt or maintain through their respective laws or regulations, Uniform Regulations regarding the interpretation, application and administration of Chapters 4 (Rules of origin), 5 (Procedures of origin), 6 (Textile products and clothing) and 7 (Customs and trade facilitation).

Click here to read the full document published on the official website of the Government of Mexico 


Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety announced guiding principles and practices for Transportation Workers

June 3, 2020

“The Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety from all provinces and territories agreed to work collaboratively to restart the economy and support transportation systems and supply chains across Canada, with particular emphasis on essential transportation workers.” – Canadian Trucking Alliance

Click here to read the Guiding Principles 


Mexico: Update on “essential” and “neo-essential” companies. Report on the  number of registered companies  

June 1, 2020

“In this sense, what are the essential companies?

So that we can all identify them very clearly: cargo transport, banks, the pharmaceutical industry, of course, pharmacies, agribusiness, markets and supermarkets, the media, the homes of the elderly, companies dealing with warehousing, freight transportation again, courier services, telecommunications, funeral services, the chemical and cleaning products industry, essential activity providers and the three neo-essentials we’ve been talking about in the last days, transportation manufacturing, construction, and mining.

In this sense, with these three essential sectors, during the last two weeks we worked very closely to ensure that at the time of June 1, they had a process of self-validation, registration and communication by Social Security that endorsed their reopening.

In that sense, how are we doing today?

We have two thousand 999 companies already registered with those that came from before neo-essential companies, transport, mining and construction, and there are already 2,417 records of the original essentials.

This platform was enabled yesterday and we are very pleased that communication, dialogue with all these sectors through the cameras has been positive in terms and to see the first ones that are being registered”

Click here to read the full document published on the official website of the Government of Mexico.


Mexico: Tomorrow will be informed about the permits that have been granted to the construction industry, to the automotive industry and mining 

May 28, 2020

“Tomorrow they will be with you to inform Dr. Alcocer, Health Secretary; Undersecretary Hugo López-Gatell, Zoé Robledo will be there, because he is going to inform you about the permits that have been granted to the construction industry, to the automotive industry, the mining industry, how many permits, how many requests have been made, how many plants have already complied with their sanitary protocols. Tomorrow they will report on that. ” Andrés Manuel López Obrador said in a morning conference

Click here to read the full stenographic version of the President of Mexico’s conference


Canadian Manufacturing: 38% of Canada’s small business now fully open 

May 26,  2020

“New Brunswick and PEI now have the largest share of local businesses fully open at 54%, followed by Saskatchewan at 51%. Nova Scotia, Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador remain as the least open economies.

% fully reopen by province:





















‘Importantly, the number of firms reporting they are fully closed has dropped to 17%, with 44% reporting they are partially open,” said Dan Kelly, CFIB president, in a prepared statement. “Sadly, many business sectors remain largely closed. Arts and recreation, social services and restaurants/hospitality were the least likely to be fully open.'”

Click here to read the full article published on Canadian Manufacturing website 

Mexico | United States | Canada

Mexico: “The country is going to be opening the construction industry, mining activities and the automotive industry, which is linked to the United States and to Canada”

May 25,  2020

“We are also going to continue preparing for the restart of productive activities, to promote economic activity with care so that we do not have subsequent problems. Always following health protocols, the country will be opening up the health care industry,  construction, mining activities and the automotive industry, which is linked to the United States and to Canada.

And, of course, (we will be opening) what has to do with recreation and sports activities.  The return little by little to the new normality of those activities will be defined this week. ” The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said at a press conference.

Click here to read the stenographic version of the conference by the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador


Toyota, Nissan and Honda gear up for Mexico reboot after COVID-19 lockdowns

May 25,  2020

“Japanese automakers Toyota, Nissan and Honda said they are gradually restarting in Mexico as the nation’s automotive industry reboots in line with a broader economic reopening, despite still-high numbers of new coronavirus cases.

The three Japanese firms have yet to announce official re-launch dates. Toyota Motor Corp and Nissan Motor Co Ltd told Reuters on Monday that they were preparing to gradually resume operations, and Honda Motor Co Ltd last Friday said it had begun a gradual return to operations.

U.S. auto part maker Lear Corp (LEA.N) asked 600 employees to report for work on Monday at its Rio Bravo plant in northern Mexico that supplies Daimler AG (DAIGn.DE) and Ford (F.N), it said in a message to workers. The plant had been the site of a coronavirus outbreak that Lear said killed 18 workers.


Click here to read the full article published by Reuters 


Ontario auto sector returns to work under a COVID-19 cloud of doubt 

May 23,  2020

“Thousands of Ontario auto workers are returning to work this month, resuming their places in the supply chain as the North American industry’s ecosystem slowly wakes from its COVID-19 coma.

Across North America, there were a patchwork of orders about what was essential and what wasn’t,” said Kristen Dziczek, vice-president of industry, labour and economics at the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Ontario’s Toyota and Honda facilities started calling workers back during the week of May 12. Last week, thousands more joined them at Fiat Chrysler, Ford and General Motors facilities. The union Unifor reports 5,560 union members are back on the job this week at Ontario’s five “Detroit 3″ plants, and more will be returning for additional shifts later in the restart process.”

Click here to read the article published by CBC News.

Mexico | United States | Canada

DHS measures on the border to limit the further spread of Coronavirus were once again extended until June 22, 2020. 

May 20,  2020

“In order to limit the further spread of coronavirus, the U.S. has reached agreements with both Canada and Mexico to limit all non-essential travel across borders. Working closely and collaboratively, the Department of Homeland Security is part of a North American approach to stop the spread of the virus.

Additionally, CBP will no longer detain illegal immigrants in our holding facilities and will immediately return these aliens to the country they entered from – Canada or Mexico. Where such a return is not possible, CBP will return these aliens to their country of origin.

These measures were implemented on March 21, 2020 and were originally in place for 30 days, subject to reevaluation and further extension in light of the fluid nature of the coronavirus pandemic.  On April 20, 2020, these measures were extended for an additional 30 days and, on May 19, 2020, these measures were once again extended until June 22, 2020.”

Click here to read the fact sheet published by the  Government of the US.

Canada | Mexico

Canada publishes Interim guidance: Sending food export certificates to foreign countries during COVID-19

May, 2020

“The COVID-19 pandemic may impact the availability of courier services to the destination country and/or the availability of border control employees to accept paper certificates. In response, some countries have indicated they are willing to accept, or even prefer, scanned export certificates and associated documents sent by email instead of paper certificates sent by courier”

“Canadian exporters can forward PDF scans of certificates to their importers in Mexico. Mexican importers will be responsible for sending the scans to SENASICA, along with a letter of intent to provide the original certificate within 15 days after the end of the contingency period.” “Paper copies are preferred. Scanned PDF versions accepted when not possible to send paper certificates”.

Click here to read the  Government of Canada Guidance


United States

All states and U.S. territories have eased restrictions on businesses and social activity. Public health officials warn that a deadly surge may follow. 

May 20, 2020

“All states and U.S. territories have eased restrictions on businesses and social activity, trying to restart economies battered by the novel coronavirus pandemic and weeks of stay-at-home orders that affected some 315 million Americans.

Public health experts warn that this increased activity is likely to cause a surge of new infections. “There is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you may not be able to control” by reopening too quickly, said infectious-disease expert Anthony S. Fauci in Senate testimony May 12, “leading to some suffering and death that could be avoided.”

Cases continue to rise in some of the states where governors have been most aggressive in opening public spaces and businesses that rely on close personal contact, such as salons and gyms. None have met the federal government’s core recommendation of a two-week decline in reported cases.”

Click here to read the  article published on The Washington Post  




Canada slowly reopening

May 19, 2020

“Starting May 19 in Ontario, retail stores — but only outside of shopping malls, with street entrances — can start reopening with physical distancing measures in place.

In Quebec, the return to some semblance of normalcy is two-tier: Areas outside Montreal are reopening, but the provincial government has already twice delayed easing restrictions in and around the city itself — the epicentre of the province’s COVID-19 cases.”

Click here to read the  article published on CBC news site 


“Yes, we are interested in continuing to be integrated into those automotive supply chains with the United States, but we are especially interested in taking care of health in Mexico”

May 19, 2020

“Why gradual? Because the United States did not fully open either, and the type of good that is produced, which is that of cars, has suffered a notable drop of 95% in the sale of cars in the United States. So, we are interested in continuing to be integrated into these chains, but we are especially interested in taking care of health in Mexico, and we are interested in the opening that we make to rebuild these chains.”.

“The conversations we have had have borne fruit in that we have more information, in which companies have committed to following very high protocols”

“Why was the automotive industry also important? There were other chains, however, the automotive industry is very important because the treaty of Mexico, the United States and Canada enters into force on July 1 and probably the sector that will have to make the most adjustments is the automotive industry, both for the regional content, such as labour content, which are two new features of the treaty, it will have to make adjustments. ”


Click here to read the statement from the Ministry of Economy of Mexico



Mexico says that construction and  mining industries and that relating to the manufacture of transport equipment may operate before  June 1 if  safety measures are in place 

May 15, 2020

“It is established as an extraordinary action that the activities of the construction industry, mining and that relating to the manufacture of transport equipment, will be considered essential activities.

The companies that are dedicated to the activities referred to in the previous paragraph may start work on June 1, 2020, for which they must observe the following:

I. The preparation period begins on May 18, 2020.
For the purposes of the foregoing, companies or industries engaged in activities considered essential, must present sanitary security protocols in accordance with the general guidelines established by the Secretaries of Health, Economy and Labor and Social Welfare;

II. The presentation, application and approval of the protocols, referred to in the previous section, may take place at the same time that the preparation measures for the entry into operation of the companies are carried out;

III. The period from May 18 to June 1, 2020, is the time in which the process of establishing the protocols and mechanisms of health safety in companies will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines for health safety in the workplace. , published by the Ministry of Health, in coordination with the Secretariats of Economy and Labor and Social Welfare, as well as with the Mexican Institute of Social Security;

IV. If the process is concluded and approved before June 1, 2020, the corresponding company or industry may begin operations, and

V. It is clarified that this is a goodwill agreement; however, if it is not complied with, the companies or industries that put the health of their workers at risk will be closed.

In the case of companies in the automotive industry and auto parts dedicated to export, in addition to what is stated in the previous factions, they must apply the protocols required in the countries of their origin.”

Click here to read the announcement 


In Quebec, the exemption relating to the Driving and Rest Hours of Heavy Vehicle Drivers Regulations announced on April 6, 2020 will no longer apply as of Saturday, May 16

May 13, 2020

“All owners, operators and drivers of heavy vehicles must therefore, as of Saturday May 16 (12:01 am), comply with the regulatory obligations related to driving and rest hours, regardless of the type of cargo they transport.

However, the situation surrounding COVID-19 remains evolving. In exceptional circumstances, it is possible that the services of some carriers may still be required to assist during the pandemic. The SAAQ will remain attentive to the industry and will constantly monitor the situation. “.

Click here to read the statement from the Société de l’Assurance Automobile du Québec (in French)


Mexico announces “New normality” Plan to reopen social, educational and economic activities.

As of May 18, the construction, mining and transportation manufacturing sectors are essential activities. 

May 13, 2020

“This is a progressive plan for the restart of social, economic, and school activities, under the principles of clarity, security. Health and life will always be privileged.”

“The plan of the new normality has three stages: one that begins on May 18, the second, which is a preparation stage; and the third, which is just on June 1, when the National “Sana Distancia” ends”

Stage 1- Starts on May 18 – Municipalities that are without infections are going to start their activities

Stage 2 – Between May 18 and 31 – Preparation stage to train workers to have a safe work environment and to readjust workspaces

Stage 3 – Starts on the 1st of June with a traffic light system by regions for the reaopen of social, economic and educational activities.

“This is a reopening plan we will start on June 1, meanwhile we will have a preparation stage and starting May 18, we will expand  the essential activities with construction, mining and transportation manufacturing ”


Click here to read the full statement published on the official page of the Government of Mexico

 United States

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration extends its emergency declaration through June 14 

May 13, 2020

“By execution of this extension of Emergency Declaration No. 2020-002, motor carriers and drivers providing direct assistance in support of relief efforts related to the COVID-19 national emergency are granted emergency relief from Parts 390 through 399 of the FMCSRs, except as restricted herein.

“Direct assistance means transportation and other relief services provided by a motor carrier or its driver(s) incident to the immediate restoration of essential services (such as medical care) or essential supplies (such as food and fuel) related to COVID19 during the emergency. ”

Click here to read the FMCS declaration

Mexico  | United States

Second flight arrives in Mexico from the United States with medical equipment for COVID-19

May 13, 2020

“As part of the actions of the Government of Mexico against the COVID-19 pandemic, the second flight from the United States arrived with thirty ventilators that will reinforce hospital care for patients in intensive care due to the coronavirus.

The arrival of the teams is the result of cooperation between the governments of Mexico and the United States, following the conversation between Presidents Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Donald Trump on April 17, where the acquisition of fans from that country was agreed. ”

Click here to read the full statement published on the official page of the Government of Mexico

Mexico  | United States | Canada

 North American cooperation strengthens to face COVID-19 

May 12, 2020

“The trilateral exchange has also contributed to internal reflection processes. It is part of the ongoing dialogue on related public policies, including sanitary measures, the maintenance of air routes and land transport for the flow of people and essential goods, development and access to vaccines and treatments, long-term continuity of value chains, and strengthening North American competitiveness and prosperity. ”

Click here to read the full statement published on the official page of the Government of Mexico

United States

U.S.  publishes a guide on What Long-haul Truck Drivers need to know about COVID-19

May 8, 2020

“As a long-haul truck driver, you spend many hours alone in the cab of your truck. However, there are times when you will be at increased risk of exposure to COVID-19. For long-haul truck drivers, potential sources of exposure include having close contact with truck stop attendants, store workers, dock workers, other truck drivers, or others with COVID-19, and touching your nose, mouth, or eyes after contacting surfaces touched or handled by a person with COVID-19.”

Click here to read the full guide on what Long-haul Truck drivers need to know about COVID-19


Québec: Reopening of shops, elementary schools and childcare services in Greater Montreal postponed by one week, to May 25

7 de Mayo de 2020

“Noting that the conditions are still not in place to begin the deconfinement of Montreal according to the schedule initially planned, the Prime Minister announced the decision of the Government of Quebec to postpone for another week the opening of shops, primary schools and child care, as of May 25.

“Outside of the greater Montreal area, the situation is under control. In Greater Montreal, we have approximately 1,000 beds available, but we do not have the staff available for all these beds. We decide to postpone the reopenings for a week. And we will do it if and only if the conditions are met by May 25, “reiterated François Legault.

Click here to read the full press relsease posted on the Quebec Government website

United States | Mexico

U.S. sends  Mexico planeload of ventilators to fight coronavirus  

May 5, 2020

“As part of the Mexican Government’s actions against the COVID-19 pandemic, the first flight from the United States arrived with 211 ventilators that will strengthen hospital care for patients in intensive care due to the coronavirus.

The arrival of medical teams is the result of the alliance between the governments of Mexico and the United States, in addition to the conversation between Presidents Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Donald Trump on April 17, when it was defined that our country could acquire ventilators in the neighbouring country to the north. ”

“The Hamilton fans that arrived in the country will be distributed in places that are already at the highest peak of the epidemic curve, such as the Metropolitan Area of ​​Mexico City and the State of Mexico, Quintana Roo, Tabasco and Baja California.”

Click here to read the full press release published on the Government of Mexico website

Canada | Mexico

Canada, Mexico and other international partners launch the Coronavirus Global Response

May 4, 2020

Government of Canada news release highlights:

“COVID-19 is a global pandemic, spread by a virus that knows no borders. No country will be able to fully recover until we beat it all around the world. We must work together, and Canada is contributing to this fight. Canadian and international researchers are racing to develop diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines that will save lives, protect the health and safety of people everywhere, and lay the groundwork for a sustainable worldwide economic recovery.

The Prime Minister highlighted that, to date, the Government of Canada has announced investments of over $850 million (CAD) that support this fundraising target. This includes funding to:

  • mobilize Canadian researchers’ and life sciences companies’ coronavirus research and development of medical countermeasures;
  • support accelerated vaccine development, including through the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and other partners;
  • find a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19 through the World Health Organization (WHO) Solidarity Trial;
  • coordinate a COVID-19 viral and host genome sequencing effort across Canada;
  • help provide COVID-19 diagnostic support to more than 20 partner countries; and
  • create strategies to tackle misinformation, stigma, and fear.

Click here to read the full press release published on PM Justin Trudeau website 

Government of Mexico news release highlights:

“Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard attended the Coronavirus Global Response Summit today on behalf of the Mexican government.

The participants agreed on three needs: first, multilateral coordination between countries, the private sector and other actors; second, mobilization of the financial resources needed to achieve the goal; and third, equitable and universal channels for the distribution of medical supplies.

The Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Foreign Ministry, Martha Delgado, announced that Mexico was joining the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) in order to participate in the development, production and distribution of ta COVID-19 vaccination.

Click here to read the full press release published on The Government of Mexico official website


United States | Mexico

United States Senators urge State Department to press Mexico to clarify its definition of essential businesses to avoid disruptions in the U.S. supply chain.

April 29, 2020

“We write to urge the State Department to coordinate with the Mexican government to clarify Mexico’s definition of essential businesses to avoid disruptions in the U.S. supply chain. The United States imported $346.1 billion worth of goods from Mexico in 2018; as such, Mexico serves an integral role in the U.S. supply chain and is crucial to the functioning of essential American businesses, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic,”

“We particularly urge you to press  your Mexican counterparts to incorporate industries providing components  to the food, medical, transportation, infrastructure, aerospace, automotive, and defense sectors into their guidance”

“Consistent direction from Mexico to its manufacturers would improve the U.S.  economy because or domestic companies would find it easier to secure alternate sources for their products”

Click here to view the letter sent to Secretary of State of the United States Michael R. Pompeo



Québec to gradually reopen stores, construction and manufacturing sectors. 

April 28, 2020

“Our challenge is to gradually restart the economy without restarting the pandemic,” said François Legault, premier of Quebec.

“Throughout Quebec, with the exception of the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (CMM), retail businesses with direct access to the outside will be able to resume their activities as of Monday, May 4, 2020. Retail businesses of CMM having direct access to the outside will reopen from Monday, May 11, 2020.”

“From Monday, May 11, 2020, manufacturing companies in all regions of Quebec will be able to resume their activities. However, they will have to count, at all times on the same site, a maximum number of 50 workers + 50% of surplus employees per shift at work, at any time of the day ”

“From Monday, May 25, 2020, manufacturing companies in all regions of Quebec will be allowed to resume their activities without any restriction as to the number of employees present to ensure their operations.”

Click here to view the press release published by the Government of Quebec (in french)

United States | Mexico

USMCA  to enter into force July 1 – an effort to increase manufacturing capacity and investment amidst COVID-19 crisis

April 24,  2020

“Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer today notified Congress that Canada and Mexico have taken measures necessary to comply with their commitments under the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA), and that the Agreement will enter into force on July 1, 2020. ”

“The crisis and recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates that now, more than ever, the United States should strive to increase manufacturing capacity and investment in North America. “said Ambassador Robert Lighthizer.

Click here to read full press release publishd by the Office of the United States Trade Representative 



Québec launches toolkit to go back to work safely. It includes practical sector guides for the manufacturing sector and the retail sector.

April 24, 2020

“The watchword at this time is: continue protecting yourself. The toolkit developed by the CNESST allows employers and workers to have the right tools in hand to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in the work environments. I invite all employers to get to know these tools and use them. Our government will not compromise on workers’ health and safety.  I’m counting on you to follow the public health standards.  ”

Jean Boulet, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity and Minister responsible for the Mauricie region

Click here to view the virtual toolkit 

Canada | United States | Mexico

North American Governments Prepare Plan to reopen Region’s Auto Industry 

April 24, 2020

“The Mexican government is working closely with the U.S. and Canadian governments to establish the criteria, guidelines, protocols and conditions that will allow us to successfully move towards reopening the productive activities of the auto industry in North America.

  • The Government of Mexico will be emphatic in protecting workers’ health and will ensure that the reopening is orderly, gradual and cautious.
  • The joint effort will benefit all three nations, ensuring a positive balance between public health and the reactivation of sectors of the economy.

The governments of Mexico, Canada and the United States will make more information about the reopening plan public in the coming days.  Our trinational cooperation will allow the plan to be based on the scientific evidence and best practices shared by the public health agencies of all three countries.”

Read full press release published in the official page of the Government of Mexico 

United States | Mexico

Pentagon asks Mexico to reopen international suppliers that are especially important for US Defense 

April  2020

“Domestically, we are seeing the greatest impacts in the aviation supply chain, ship-building, and small space launch. We are seeing impacts on the industrial base by several pockets of closure internationally. Particularly of note is Mexico, where we have a group of companies that are impacting many of our major primes.

Regarding Mexico, I spoke with our U.S. Ambassador to Mexico on Friday, and today, I am writing the Mexican Foreign Minister to ask for help to reopen international suppliers there. These companies are especially important for our U.S. airframe production.”

Said Ellen M. Lord, Undersecretary Of Defense For Acquisition And Sustainment

Click here to read full transcript 

United States | Mexico

Manufacturers in the US call on Mexico to reopen factories   

April  2020

“A letter from the National Association of Manufacturers dated Wednesday and signed by officials from more than 327 top foreign-based companies, the majority U.S. firms, was sent to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, saying they are “deeply concerned about the health emergency decrees issued by Mexico’s Ministry of Health and state governments” that have resulted in threats to shutter, or actual closings of “essential manufacturing facilities, as well as those of our suppliers, imperiling our ability to deliver critical supplies and daily essentials to citizens in Mexico and across North America.”

At his daily news conference Thursday, López Obrador acknowledged the importance of the manufacturing supply chain, saying “we have committed, especially with national businessmen, to analyze these openings, so as to return to the productive normalcy at the border little by little.”

Click here to read  article published  on the Mexico News Daily 


United States

Manufacturers release “American Renewal Action Plan”

April  2020

“To strengthen the nation’s response to COVID-19 and ensure manufacturers are poised to lead the recovery and renewal of the American economy, the National Association of Manufacturers released the “American Renewal Action Plan.”

“Our industry has been on the front lines throughout this crisis, providing the equipment and products to keep our country safe, healthy and fed. The nation is counting on us to continue to play a leading role in this effort, and lawmakers must equip us with the tools we need,” said NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons. Timmons, a member of the White House’s COVID-19 Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups, added, “The NAM’s ‘American Renewal Action Plan’ is the path forward.”

Click here to Read the full version of the American Renewal Action Plan released by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS


Mexico declares Phase 3 of COVID-19

April 21, 2020

“Today we want to announce the start of ‘Phase 3’ of the COVID epidemic, remembering that we are in the phase of rapid spread where a large number of infections and hospitalizations are accumulated,” Lopez-Gatell said.

“Among the measures approved, the following stand out: the extension of the National Sana Distance Day until May 30, and the extension until that date, of the suspension of non-essential activities, in order to mitigate the spread and transmission of the SARS-CoV virus- 2 in the community, to reduce the burden of disease, its complications and death from COVID-19 in the population residing in the national territory. ”

“The mechanisms are those ones already in place, and it is the temporary suspension of all non-essential work activities in the public, private and social sectors. It is national in scope and must be enforced at the local level,” he stressed. ”

“He specified that private entities that continue to work and are not on the essential list, must suspend activities so that people do not have to attend the workplace and, as far as possible, do work at home”

Click here to read the full statement posted on the Mexican government website

United States

President Trump has unveiled Guidelines for Opening Up America Again

April  2020

“President Trump has unveiled Guidelines for Opening Up America Again, a three-phased approach based on the advice of public health experts. These steps will help state and local officials when reopening their economies, getting people back to work, and continuing to protect American lives.”

Click here to read the Guidelines published on the White House Web page 

Canada  |  United States | Mexico

Canada, Mexico and the United States have agreed to extend by another 30 days the border measures that are currently in place

April 20,  2020

“In close collaboration, the US, Mexico, and Canada have each agreed to extend restrictions on non-essential travel across their shared borders for 30 additional days. As President Trump stated last week, border control, travel restrictions and other limitations remain critical to slowing the spread and allowing the phased opening of the country.” – Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security

Click here to read the Acting Secretary Chad wolf Statement on Non-essential Travel


April 17,  2020

“I want to start today by confirming that Canada and the United States have agreed to extend by another 30 days the border measures that are currently in place. This is an important decision and one that will keep people on both sides of the border safe. It’s another example of the excellent collaboration between our two countries, and I want to thank Minister Bill Blair for leading the discussions with the United States.” Justin Trudeau, Canada Prime Minister.



Mexico promotes at the United Nations a proposal to guarantee access to medicines, vaccines and medical equipment to deal with COVID-19

April 17, 2020

“The initiative that Mexico presents to the 193 countries that make up the Organization is a General Assembly resolution that urges all member states to immediately prevent speculation and all those provisions that hide or limit access to the products necessary to contain the pandemic. It also encourages members to increase funding for vaccine and drug research. ”

“The representative of Mexico to the UN assured that the approach of Mexico has been very well received in the Organization and has even been co-sponsored, so far, by 164 countries, including 13 of the 15 members of the Security Council.”

Click here to read the complete document on the Government of Mexico website 

United States

Trump thanks truckers 

April 16,  2020





Canada and Ontario investing up to $1 million to Support Agri-food Sector Supply Chain during COVID-19

April 17,  2020

“The governments of Canada and Ontario are investing up to $1 million in new funding to connect workers with in-demand jobs in the agri-food sector to keep the nation’s supply chains strong and store shelves stocked during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Click here to read the full article published on the Canadian Government website 

Mexico | United States

“Success in Fighting COVID-19 depends on U.S.- Mexico cooperation on Essential Industries” – U.S. Chamber of Commerce 

April ,  2020

“Misaligned policy in the short-term is likely to produce serious long-term consequences at a time when the two countries need each other more than ever.

As of this writing, major supply chain dislocations are plaguing key bilateral industries such as automotive, defense/aerospace, electronics, personal care products and semiconductors. These sectors have been deemed “essential” operators in the U.S. but have seen their operations or those of key suppliers shut down in Mexico. Even after receiving “essential services” designation in the U.S. and Mexico, U.S. Chamber members in sectors as critical to basic economic function as agriculture/food production and supply are facing cessation of operations in both countries because of their dependence on key suppliers in Mexico that have been shuttered after being deemed “non-essential.” ”

“Some policymakers have called for a detailed analysis of shared U.S.-Mexico value chains in pursuit of better alignment of “essential services.”  However, given today’s fast-moving crisis, there’s no time for such an exercise, which in any event has already been studied extensively. Instead, the two countries should work immediately to align as closely as possible around the CISA guidance.”

Click here to read the full article published on the US Chamber of Commerce website 


Temporary reduction of service at Canadian land border crossings. 

April 16,  2020

“In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CBSA is temporarily reducing service hours at a total of 27 Canadian land border locations. The temporary hour adjustments are in effect as of April 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm EDT and will remain in effect until the expiration date of the Order in Council made under the Quarantine Act prohibiting entry into Canada from the United States. The CBSA regularly reviews its operations and adjustments are made when necessary.”

Click here to check the service hours at land border locations published by the Canadian Border Services Agency 


GM to Manufacture face masks in Mexico  to Fight COVID-19 

April 15,  2020

General Motors has announced it will produce up to 9 million face masks at a manufacturing facility in the Mexican state of Toluca as part of its efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

GM will begin producing the Level 1 surgical masks later this month and will distribute a portion of them to public hospitals located in Mexico City and the San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato and Coahuila states, where the company currently has various manufacturing and business operations. The rest of the masks will be used by GM employees and its local distributors.”

GM is also making millions of face masks for American hospitals and its American workers at a facility in Michigan as part of its COVID-19 efforts. It was given a $490 million contract to produce ventilator machines at a facility in Indiana this month, as well, which began shipping to hospitals this week.”

Click here to read the press release published at GM’s site

United States

Exemption to extend the expiration date of Certain Transportation Worker Identification Credentials  

April 15,  2020

“TSA is granting a temporary exemption from requirements in 49 CFR part 1572 regarding the expiration of certain Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWIC®s). For the duration of this exemption, TSA will extend the expiration date of TWIC®s that expired on or after March 1, 2020, by 180 days.”

Click here to read full notice published by the Federal Register 


Canada | Mexico

Government of Canada keeping Canadians and workers in the food supply chain safe 

April 13, 2020

“The Government of Canada is announcing $50 million to help farmers, fish harvesters, and all food production and processing employers, put in place the measures necessary to follow the mandatory 14-day isolation period required of all workers arriving from abroad.”

“In many regions across Canada, producing a variety of quality foods to be sold at affordable prices relies upon the contributions of experienced temporary foreign workers right from planting season to harvest—particularly for fresh fruits and vegetables. Fish, seafood and meat processing plants are also reliant on the addition of these workers.

This is an important reason why the Government of Canada granted an exemption for temporary foreign workers from travel restrictions to Canada, along with other foreigners with student and work visas, provided they adhere to a strict 14-day isolation protocol upon arrival.”

Click here to read the full press release published  on the Canadian Government website 


Canada | Mexico

Concerns raised about COVID-19 quarantine rules for temporary foreign workers.
than 100 workers arrived in Quebec from Mexico. 

April 13, 2020

“Bloc Quebecois Leader Yves-Francois Blanchet is raising concern about temporary foreign workers arriving in Canada to work on farms, saying he believes the quarantine rules for these workers are inadequate.”

“Federal officials have said these workers will face health screening before travelling to Canada and must isolate for 14 days upon their arrival in Canada.”

“But Blanchet says more than 100 temporary farm workers arrived in Quebec this week from Mexico, and he is concerned they are not being tested for COVID-19 upon their arrival in Canada and that their mandatory quarantine will happen on the farms where they will work, rather than in federal facilities.”

“It is critical for Canada’s food supply chain to be maintained and temporary foreign workers play an integral role in that food supply, said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a lengthy and wide-raging question-and-answer period on government’s COVID-19 emergency measures in the House of Commons Saturday.

“I share many of the concerns listed by (Blanchet),” Trudeau said in French.

Click here to read the full article by Teresa Wright,  published at National Observer’s site 


Canada | United States

Disruptions on Food Chains during COVID-19 result on food waste 

April 13, 2020

“Because commercial and consumer supply chains are different and cannot easily be transferred, enormous amounts of food are going to waste—and it could get worse.”

“As the virus has keyed off an economic shutdown, breakdowns have emerged in other parts of the supply chain as well. Now, America’s food systems have begun to falter, resulting in the twin curses of scarcity and excess. In the early days of the shutdown, pictures circulated of barren shelves at supermarkets (much of it wrongfully blamed on binge purchasing). Now, however, the most objectionable food news comes in the form of crop dumping. All over the country, America’s producers have begun destroying excess, perishable crops that they can’t bring to market”

“What accounts for this massive logistical failure, now artificially creating shortages? In non-viral times, much of the food being produced on farms would be sent to schools and restaurants. But with those locations shut down almost categorically nationwide, there’s no infrastructure in place to simply redirect the food to grocery stores and food banks, especially with short shelf-life items like vegetables, meat, and dairy. Those two tracks—commercial and consumer food supply chains—remain fiercely separated.”


Click here to read the full article by Alexander Sammon, The American Prospect site 



Mexican mine behind 80% of inhalers in the world, at risk of being considered “nonessential” during the COVID-19 health emergency

April 9, 2020

80% of the total inhalers used by patients with respiratory diseases, the group most vulnerable to Covid-19, use the fluorite produced in the mine. However, the mine’s operations are at risk, as it is not certain whether it is considered essential or not, during the COVID-19 health emergency, in which the closure of non-essential companies has been decreed.

“But the San Luis plant is in limbo. It is a mine and, therefore,” non-essential “. At the same time, it produces an input for sanitary material and, therefore, could be exempt”

Click here to read the full article by Jon Martín Cullel  published at  EL PAÍS


United States

FMCSA extends COVID-19 Emergency declaration through May 15 

April 9, 2020

 Emergency Declaration 2020-002 is set to expire on April 12, 2020.  Because emergency conditions have not abated, FMCSA is extending Emergency Declaration No. 2020-002 and associated regulatory relief in accordance with 49 CFR § 390.25.  This extension of the Emergency Declaration addresses national emergency conditions that create a need for immediate transportation of essential supplies, equipment and persons, and provides necessary relief from the FMCSRs for motor carriers and drivers engaged in the transport of essential supplies, equipment and persons.”

Click here to read the full  document published on the FMCSA Website   


United States | Mexico

President of Mexico guarantees food supply.
Mexico doubles sugar exports to the US  

April 9, 2020

“President López Obrador reported that the food supply is guaranteed thanks to the support of suppliers and businessmen, so there will be no lack of corn flour, the raw material for making tortillas, and the harvest of producers from Sinaloa and Sonora is on the doorstep , who receive a Guarantee Price from the federal government. ”

“In addition to pointing out that without inflation there is no shortage, he recalled that Mexico doubled the export of sugar to the United States and the national supply is also guaranteed, thereby improving the situation in sugarcane areas of the country.

“I have an offer from egg producers, from chicken producers, from pork, from beef, from importers, to support. And there is no limitation, if necessary, to import food. ”

Click here to read the press release published on the Government of Mexico Website   


Canada | United States | Mexico | Rest of the word

“Trade will likely fall steeper in sectors with complex value chains, particularly electronics and automotive products”- WTO

April 8, 2020

“According to the OECD Trade In Value Added (TiVa) database, the share of foreign value added in electronics exports was around 10% for the United States, 25% for China, more than 30% for Korea, greater than 40% for Singapore and more than 50% for Mexico, Malaysia and Vietnam. Imports of key production inputs are likely to be interrupted by social distancing, which caused factories to temporarily close in China and which is now happening in Europe and North America. However, it is also useful to recall that complex supply chain disruption can occur as a result of localized disasters such hurricanes, tsunamis, and other economic disruptions. Managing supply chain disruption is a challenge for both global and local enterprises and requires a risk-versus-economic efficiency calculation on the part of every company.”.

Click here to read full press release  on the WTO Website   


United States | Mexico

Borderlands: Chocolate and Candy among top imports from Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

April, 2020

“Imports from Mexico into the U.S. rose 7% from February to March”….”In our sector, we have seen our frozen vegetable-fruit, candy and packaging exports sky-rocket, our studies show that panic-buying has been the motor behind this.”

“Kellogg’s, which makes Cheez-Its, has four plants in Mexico. Mondelez International, which makes Oreo and Chips Ahoy cookies, has five factories in Mexico”.

Click here to read full note published on Freight Waves Website   


Canada | United States | Mexico | Rest of the word

WHO’s guidance on transport and delivery of food ingredients and food products amidst COVID-19

April, 2020


  • “…Drivers and other staff delivering to food premises should not leave their vehicles during delivery.
  • Drivers should be supplied with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, a disinfectant, and paper towels.
  • Drivers should use a hand sanitizer before passing delivery documents to food premises staff.
  • Disposable containers and packaging should be used to avoid the need for cleaning of any returns.
  • In the case of reusable containers, appropriate hygiene and sanitation protocols should be implemented.
  • Drivers delivering to food premises should be aware of the potential risks involved in contact transmission of COVID-19.
  • The virus can be picked up if drivers touch a contaminated surface or shake hands with an infected person with contaminated hands. Surfaces most likely contaminated with the virus include frequent touch surfaces such as steering wheels, door handles, mobile devices, etc. This is why hand hygiene, in conjunction with physical distancing, is of paramount importance and why contact surface sanitation is critical to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Drivers need to be aware of physical distancing when picking up deliveries and passing deliveries to customers and of the need to maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness and to wear clean protective clothing.
  • Drivers also need to be aware of the need to ensure that all transport containers are kept clean and frequently disinfected, foods must be protected from contamination, and must be separated from other goods that may cause contamination.”

Read full document here


Canada | United States |Mexico| Rest of the word

 World Trade Organization press conference on 2020 Trade Forecast 

April 8, 2020

“In an optimistic scenario, our economists see the volume of global merchandise trade falling by 13% this year compared to 2019.”

“If the pandemic is not brought under control, and governments fail to implement and coordinate effective policy responses, the decline could be 32% – or more.”

“Again, let me emphasize that all these projections are highly uncertain given the large number of unknown factors at play here. For instance, credit market stresses are affecting the availability of trade finance.

Nevertheless, these numbers are ugly – there is no way around that. Comparisons with the financial crisis of 2008 and even the Great Depression of the 1930s are inevitable.”

“Governments around the world can and must lay the foundations for a strong and socially inclusive recovery. Trade – and international coordination more generally – will be important ingredients here. If countries work together, we will see a much faster recovery than if each country goes it alone.”

Click here to read the full  document published on the WTO’s site 


Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators publishes: Jurisdictional Enforcement Interactions with Commercial Drivers – COVID-19

April 8, 2020

“Provinces and territories are responsible for providing COVID-19 protocol direction to their respective staff specific to interactions with commercial drivers. In general, provinces and territories are implementing the following COVID-19 enforcement protocols for commercial driver interactions and inspections”

“During initial contact, direct the driver to remain in the vehicle during the inspection (unless otherwise specified by the officer) and where possible, maintain appropriate “social distancing” (2 metres) from the driver.

• Please limit scale building access to staff only.

• Avoid stepping up on vehicle running boards or entering the driver cab by having the driver verbally report information and observe the driver demonstrate proper function of equipment with the officer standing at a distance (e.g. air pressures, dash warning lamps, seatbelt function, steering lash etc.).

• Use discretion when exchanging documents for inspection and limit exchange wherever possible. If possible, request verbal transmission of information for completing reports etc. (e.g. verbally transmit driver license number).

• Where physical document transfer does happen, ensure proper hygiene precautions are being followed immediately after (e.g. exchange gloves/wash hands/sanitize work surfaces).

• Do not request that the driver sign documentation (e.g. ticket, inspection report).”

Click here to read the full release published by the CCMTA 



Canadian Government publishes an update on SFCR requirements for the manufactured food sector. 

April 7, 2020

“Given these extraordinary circumstances, until further notice the CFIA will not prioritize compliance activities associated with the July 15, 2020 coming into force of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) for the manufactured food sector”

Click here to read the full update published on Canadian government site


Canadian Government announces temporary suspension of certain labelling requirements for food service products due to COVID-19

April 6, 2020

“Effective immediately, the CFIA is temporarily suspending certain labelling requirements that have no impact on food safety.”

Click here to read the full update published on Canadian government site


Guidelines for the acquisition and manufacture of ventilators, during the 2019 coronavirus public health emergency (COVID-19).

April 6, 2020

“Where possible, healthcare facilities should use conventional standard ventilators with a health registry issued by COFEPRIS, to treat patients who develop respiratory deficiency or insufficiency. However, during the duration of the public healthcare emergency, to increase the availability of devices for patients requiring respiratory support, these provisions are issued that will allow importing and even manufacturing pulmonary ventilators, with the minimum characteristics required for their care. ”

The provisions “shall remain in force only for the duration of the public health emergency related to COVID-19”


Click here to read the full release published by COFEPRIS 

COFEPRIS remains open to carry out import and export procedures. 

April 6, 2020

“Cofepris remains open to carry out import and export procedures, which can also be done through the Single Window for Mexican Foreign Trade (VUCEM). ”

Click here to read the full release published by COFEPRIS 

Canada | United States


Trump and 3M reach an agreement that enables 3M to export respirators to  Canada 

April 6, 2020

“Today 3M and the Trump Administration are announcing a plan to import 166.5 million respirators over the next three months to support healthcare workers in the United States.”

“3M will import 166.5 million respirators over the next three months primarily from its manufacturing facility in China, starting in April. The Administration is committed to working to address and remove export and regulatory restrictions to enable this plan. The plan will also enable 3M to continue sending U.S. produced respirators to Canada and Latin America, where 3M is the primary source of supply”

I want to thank President Trump and the Administration for their leadership and collaboration,” said 3M chairman and CEO Mike Roman. “We share the same goals of providing much-needed respirators to Americans across our country and combating criminals who seek to take advantage of the current crisis. These imports will supplement the 35 million N95 respirators we currently produce per month in the United States.”

Click here to read 3M release   

Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau says “I’m confident we’re going to be able to solve this” about U.S. blockages 

April 5, 2020

“I am confident we’re going to be able to solve this and I look forward to speaking to the president in the coming days”

Trump  “not happy with 3M”

April 3, 2020

“We’re not happy with 3M. We’re not at all happy with 3M. And the people who dealt with it directly are not happy with 3M” Trump said

Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau says it would be a mistake to create blockages on medical equipment between the U.S. and Canada 

April 3, 2020

“These are things that Americans rely on, and it would be a mistake to create blockages or reduce the amount of back-and-forth trade of essential goods and services, including medical goods, across our border”

“The level of integration between our economies goes both ways across the border. We are receiving essential supplies from the United States, but the United States also receives essential supplies and products – and indeed, health-care professionals – from Canada every single day”

One of the major mask manufacturers in the US, 3M, was asked to stop exporting N95 masks to Canada and Latin America

April 3, 2020

3M stated:

“The Administration also requested that 3M cease exporting respirators that we currently manufacture in the United States to the Canadian and Latin American markets. There are, however, significant humanitarian implications of ceasing respirator supplies to healthcare workers in Canada and Latin America, where we are a critical supplier of respirators. In addition, ceasing all export of respirators produced in the United States would likely cause other countries to retaliate and do the same, as some have already done. If that were to occur, the net number of respirators being made available to the United States would actually decrease. That is the opposite of what we and the Administration, on behalf of the American people, both seek.”

Click here to read full 3M response 

Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to ban exports of masks to Canada and Latin America

April 3, 2020

“I‘m signing a directive invoking the Defense Production Act to prohibit export of scarce health and medical supplies by unscrupulous actors and profiteers” Trump said

“The secretary of Homeland Security will work with FEMA to prevent the export of N95 respirators, surgical masks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment. We need these items immediately for domestic use. We have to have them”



The Government of Canada is calling on manufacturers and businesses to help them meet the need for medical supplies 

April 5, 2020

Read the Call to action published by the Canadian government here 

Export Development Canada Webinar: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Managing the impact on global supply chains

Visit the EDC website 


United States

Guidance on Cross-Border Transportation and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

April 3, 2020

“Q. Does FMCSA’s March 24, 2020 Waiver in Response to the COVID-19 Emergency also apply to foreign drivers operating in the United States with commercial driver’s licenses issued by Canadian Provinces and Territories and Licencias Federales de Conductor issued by the United Mexican States?

A – Yes. …

Q. Does FMCSA’s March 24, 2020 Notice of Enforcement Policy Regarding Expiring Driver’s Licenses and Medical Examiner’s Certificates During COVID-19 National Emergency also continue to recognize the validity of commercial driver’s licenses issued by Canadian Provinces and Territories and Licencias Federales de Conductor issued by the United Mexican States, in accordance with 49 CFR part 383, when such jurisdictions issue a similar notice or declaration extending the validity date of the medical examination and certification and/or validity of the corresponding commercial driver’s license due to interruption to government service resulting from COVID-19?

A. Yes.”

Read the full document here  



COVID-19 Guidelines for Truckers:
Federal guidelines for ensuring driver safety and limiting the spread of COVID-19 in the operation of commercial vehicles.

April 2, 2020

“Commercial vehicle drivers should take precautions such as covering their hands when pumping [fuel], touching the service station door handles, or handling any automotive products that may be required when performing vehicle maintenance, such as filling windshield washer fluid and adding motor oil, if this is possible,”

Click here to read the guidelines on Trucknews.com  

TruckingHR Canada publishes COVID-19 Resource Guide for Trucking & Logistics Employers 

Click here to read the full document 


Ontario supports Truck Drivers who are being mistreated at rest stops and shipping facilities 

April 2, 2020

“We are providing more safe places for truck drivers to stop and rest across the province and are keeping all 23 ONroute travel plazas open for take-out, grab and go and drive-through services, including washrooms with enhanced cleaning. We are also providing portable washrooms at 32 truck inspection stations so trucks have a place to stop and rest safely” Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, and Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation.

Click here to read the full Statement 

April 1, 2020

“My friends, we’re all in this together. You have to let the truckers, when they stop for gas, if they stop for food, let them use the washrooms. Clean your washrooms, let them use your washrooms” …“If it wasn’t for the truck drivers, you wouldn’t even be open”

“Have a heart, you know, open up the washrooms for these truckers,”


Video posted on OnTruck channel:

PM  of Canada Justin Trudeau supports Truck Drivers

March 31, 2020

Mexico |

March 31, 2020

Mexico’s automotive industry requests to be included as an essential sector to maintain operations during the COVID-19 health emergency

“We are requesting both the Ministry of Economy and Health to be considered an essential industry and that this allows us to maintain some type of operations, ” Fausto Cuevas, Head of the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA), told Reuters.

“The General Health Council established as essential activities those related to the basic functioning of the economy, such as financial services, the food and beverage industries, self-service stores, passenger and cargo transportation, and the energy industry, among others, but not to the automotive industry.”

Click here to read the full press release on Reuters’s website.

United States | Canada | Mexico | Rest of the World

WTO, FAO and WHO call governments to minimize the impact of COVID-19 related border restrictions on trade in food

March 31, 2020

“Now is the time to show solidarity, act responsibly and adhere to our common goal of enhancing food security, food safety and nutrition and improving the general welfare of people around the world,” said  The Heads of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

“When acting to protect the health and well-being of their citizens, countries should ensure that any trade-related measures do not disrupt the food supply chain”

“Uncertainty about food availability can spark a wave of export restrictions, creating a shortage on the global market. …We must prevent the repeat of such damaging measures”

Click here to read the joint statement published on the WTO’s page 


Mexico | United States

28 US students test positive for COVID-19 when returning from a trip to Mexico 

March 31, 2020

The Austin, Texas Department of Public Health reported that 28 tourists who returned to Texas after a vacation trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, have tested positive for COVID-19, drawing attention to the possible low detection of cases in Mexico.

Visit Texas  COVID-19 case counts page here


Exemptions to Spring Weight restrictions and reduced load periods in Quebec, Manitoba and Ontario.  

March 30, 2020

Click here to see the exceptions  and special provisions to each province that applies spring weight restrictions, published by the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety  

Manitoba Trucking Association calls businesses to keep washrooms and other facilities accessible to truckers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Click here to visit Manitoba Trucking Assotiation’s site 



Suspension of non-essential activities from March 30 to April 30. Among the essential activities that continue: food and health supply chains, freight transportation and logistics

March 30, 2020

The General Health Council or Mexico declared a national health emergency. “The council agreed on extraordinary measures throughout the national territory, among which stands out the immediate suspension, from March 30 to April 30, 2020, of non-essential activities in the public, private and social sectors, in order to mitigate the dispersion and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the community, to reduce the burden of disease, its complications and death from COVID-19 in the population residing in the national territory. “ Click here to read the full release published by the Mexican Government 

“Declaring a health emergency due to COVID-19 epidemic does not mean the State of Exception. And I say this because speculation is beginning to circulate that there could be a curfew, shortage … No. Don’t get confused. Declaring the emergency allows us is greater intragovernmental coordination and across all sectors”. said Hugo López-Gatell, Head of  Prevention and Health Promotion in Mexico.

“The sectors considered essential for the fundamental functioning of the economy are: …. passenger and cargo transport services; agricultural and livestock production, agribusiness, … and storage and cold chain of essential inputs, logistics (airports, ports and railways), as well as activities whose suspension may have irreversible effects for its continuation”



“It is very valuable that we give a message of confidence to the population and producers that there will be products, that there will be no shortage because this generates panic purchases ”. Enrique González Muñoz, National President of the National Chamber of Freight Transportation (Canacar), told T21, after the Health Conference.

Click here to read full release by T21  


President of Mexico, AMLO, urges non-strategic employees working on public and private sectors to stay home

March 28, 2020

“The Government has already taken measures so that public servants who are in non-strategic areas, such as office workers, department heads, and area directors, stay at their homes; Public Security and Health workers continue their work”

“I am asking the same for the private sector, I know this can mean expenses, but we can lose more.  If we do not prevent, the economy may fall more“. 


United States |

March 28, 2020

Three-Month Waiver in Response to the COVID-19 Emergency –
For States and CLP Holders Operating Commercial Motor Vehicles

“FMCSA grants a three-month waiver from certain regulations applicable to commercial learner’s permit (CLP) holders operating commercial motor vehicles (CMVs), as defined in 49 CFR 383.5, in interstate and intrastate commerce.

This waiver is effective March 28, 2020 and expires either on June 30, 2020, or the revocation of the President’s declaration of national emergency under 42 U.S.C. § 5191(b) related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), whichever is sooner.”

Click here to read the full document  


March 27, 2020

Primer of Quebec François Legault thanks Truck Drivers 

“I close with my thanks for the truckers. Women, because there are more, and men who transport food, who transport essential goods, thank you. ”

“You work in difficult conditions, you are our heroes on a daily basis, so thank you very much for your work. ”


United States

March 26, 2020

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Statement on self-Quarantine Guidance for Greater New York City Transportation and Delivery Workers 

  • “Truck drivers and other people driving into the city to deliver needed supplies should stay in their vehicles as much as possible as supplies are loaded and unloaded,
  • Avoid being within 6 feet of others as much as possible when they exit their vehicles, and move to electronic receipts if possible.
  • If these drivers need to spend the night in the greater New York City area, they should stay in their hotel rooms or sleeper cab, when available, to the extent possible and continue to practice social distancing.
  • Drivers who take these precautions should not need to self-quarantine when they leave the greater New York area, unless self-quarantine is recommended by state or local officials for all residents in the areas where they live.

Read the full document  on the CDC website 

Canada | United States | Mexico

Canada strongly opposed to the U.S. plan to position troops near the Canadian border 

March 26, 2020

“Canada and the United States have the longest un-militarized border in the world and it is very much in both of our interests for it to remain that way.”

“We have expressed to the United States that it would be a mistake to position troops near the Canadian border, and we certainly hope that they’re not going to go through with that.”



Plans from the U.S. to deploy American troops at the Canadian and Mexican borders to stop the spread of the COVID-19

Leaked documents show Customs and Border Protection requested more than 1,500 extra troops to guard the Canadian and Mexican borders”

Read the release leaked to The Nation here

United States

FDA takes further steps to help mitigate supply interruptions of food and medical products 

March 28, 2020

“We are also partnering with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on supply chain issues, including importation of needed medical products to support the U.S. response.”

“We are aware of shortages of respirators and have issued Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) covering certain respirators to enable them to be used in health care settings.

“We are also open to importing PPE and other devices and have provided instructions to manufacturers to help us implement this necessity appropriatelyExternal Link Disclaimer. The agency is taking steps to facilitate importation of PPE into the U.S. and we are ready and available to engage with importers to minimize disruptions during the importing process”

“The FDA has reached out to more than 1,000 device manufacturing sites worldwide, focusing on essential devices.  The outreach thus far has focused on two main types of essential devices: those that are in high demand due to the pandemic outbreak, such as PPE and ventilators, and devices that may be prone to potential shortage if there is a supply disruption.”


Click here to read full release on the FDA web page


United States

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“Phase Three” of coronavirus economic relief) is Enacted Into Law

March 27, 2020

Phase Three contains important financial assistance to employers, small business and individuals. Phase Two legislation contains provisions on paid sick and family and medical leave.

Click here to read CARES ACT


Mexico | United States | Canada

What the Extraordinary G20 Leaders’ Summit statement on COVID-19 says about International Trade Disruptions

March 26, 2020

“We are determined to spare no effort, both individually and collectively, to:

  • Protect lives.
  • Safeguard people’s jobs and incomes.
  • Restore confidence, preserve financial stability, revive growth and recover stronger.
  • Minimize disruptions to trade and global supply chains.
  • Provide help to all countries in need of assistance.
  • Coordinate on public health and financial measures”

“Addressing International Trade Disruptions

Consistent with the needs of our citizens, we will work to ensure the flow of vital medical supplies, critical agricultural products, and other goods and services across borders, and work to resolve disruptions to the global supply chains, to support the health and wellbeing of all people.

We commit to continue working together to facilitate international trade and coordinate responses in ways that avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade. Emergency measures aimed at protecting health will be targeted, proportionate, transparent, and temporary. We task our Trade Ministers to assess the impact of the pandemic on trade.

We reiterate our goal to realize a free, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, predictable and stable trade and investment environment, and to keep our markets open”

Click here to read full document published on Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, web page



BC will allow deliveries to be made at any time of the day and will limit purchase quantities to ensure on-shelf availability

March 26, 2020


“the minister is issuing a series of ministerial orders to ensure a co-ordinated response to COVID-19 across all levels of government for the duration of the provincial emergency. These include:

  • Supply chain: Establishing a new Provincial Supply Chain Coordination Unit to co-ordinate goods and services distribution; taking a more active role in co-ordinating essential goods and services movement by land, air, marine and rail; and suspending any bylaws that restrict goods delivery at any time of day.
  • Protecting consumers: Banning the secondary resale of food, medical supplies, personal protective equipment, cleaning and other essential supplies; and restricting quantities of items purchased at point of sale”

Click here to read full release published by the Government of BC


United States

Update on the FMCSA’s national emergency declaration for motor carriers in response to the COVID19

March 25, 2020

Click here to read the full document published by the  FMCSA’s



Self-insolation  is mandatory  for individuals entering Canada, with the exception of essential workers such as truck drivers  

March 25, 2020

“All individuals permitted to enter Canada are subject to this Order, with the exception of certain persons who cross the border regularly to ensure the continued flow of goods and services, and those who provide essential services. Individuals exempt from the Order will still need to practice social distancing and self-monitoring and contact their local public health authority if they feel sick.”

Click here to read full release published by the Government of  Canada 



Ministry of Communications and Transportation in Mexico  (SCT) suspends procedures related to psychophysical exams and licenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic

March 24, 2020

“Following the recommendations of the Health authorities, administrative acts and procedures have been suspended in the SCT.

  • “The practice of the comprehensive psychophysical examination is suspended for a period of 2 months from March 21, 2020. The legal effects of the evidence of psychophysical aptitude in terms of validity will be extended by the same referred term.
  • Regarding federal motor transport, the procedures related to the issuance and renewal of federal driver’s licenses are suspended.  The validity of federal driver’s licenses will be extended for a period of three months, counted from the entry into force of the Agreement “

Read full document here (in spanish)  (This is the only case in which the primary source of information is not referred. This is because there is a temporary technical problem that does not allow access to the page of the Official Gazette of the Federation, where this announcement was originally published)


Canada | United States | Mexico

ICC Mexico calls G20 to avoid export bans or limits on the free flow of necessary supplies to face COVID-19

March 24, 2020

“The call to the G20 leaders is to take immediate action to:

  • Putting infection control and medical products in the hands of those who need them most. The G20 must reverse, and commit to avoiding, the export ban or free flow limit on all necessary medical supplies, medicines, disinfectants, soaps, and personal protective equipment. We note with grave concern the duplication in reports of export restrictions on essential products related to COVID-19 during the past week.

The increasingly frequent use of “beggar-thy-neighbour” policy policies must be stopped immediately, given the globally integrated nature of supply chains for medical products, food and other essential products. Short-term trade restrictions will only exacerbate the possible long-term cost of a virus that crosses borders easily. ”

Click here to read full release published by the ICC Mexico (in spanish)



Provinces of Quebec and Ontario order non-essential businesses to close
no later than midnight, March 24

Transportation is an essential service.  

March 24, 2020


“As of March 25, 2020, at 00:01 and until April 13, 2020, the Gouvernement du Québec has ordered the minimization of all non-priority services and activities.”

Priority transportation and logistics services are, among others:

  • “mass transit and passenger transportation;
  • procurement and distribution of foodstuffs, grocery stores and convenience stores;
  • transportation, warehousing and distribution of essential goods;”

¨The stores and services covered by this list must ensure that the people in their establishments comply as far as possible with the principles of social distancing.

To obtain additional information on the designation of a priority business, please call 1-855-477-0777 (toll free).”

Click here to read the full document  published by the Government of Quebec


“Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, the Ontario government will be ordering at-risk workplaces to close-down, while encouraging businesses to explore opportunities to continue operations through work-from-home and innovative business models.”

“Essential businesses are being asked to put into place any and all measures to safeguard the wellbeing of their employees on the front-lines.”

Click here to read the full document published by the Government of Ontario 

Essential workplaces are, among others:

“Supply chains

  1. Businesses that supply other essential businesses or essential services with the support, supplies, systems or services, including processing, packaging, distribution, delivery and maintenance necessary to operate”

Full list of essential workplaces here 


Canada| United States | Mexico

Cross-border trade won’t be affected by the partial closure of U.S borders.

The United States will temporarily limit the travel of individuals from Canada and  Mexico into the United States at land ports of entry along the United States-Canada border  and the United States-Mexico border to “essential travel”

“Essential travel,” includes, but is not limited to:

“Individuals engaged in lawful cross-border trade (e.g., truck drivers supporting the movement of cargo between the United States and Canada)”


COVID-19 Related Travel Restrictions across the U.S. Borders with Canada and Mexico

March 20, 2020

Notification of Temporary Travel Restrictions Applicable to Land Ports of Entry and Ferries Service Between the United States and Canada

Scheduled to be published on 03/04/2020


Employees of firms providing transportation, logistics and distribution  are essential workforce

Guidance on the essential critical infrastructure workforce.

On March 19, 2020. says:

“If you work in a critical infrastructure industry, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, such as healthcare services and pharmaceutical and food supply, you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule.” 

And continues:

  • “Employees supporting or enabling transportation functions, including truck drivers, bus drivers, dispatchers, maintenance and repair technicians, warehouse workers, truck stop and rest area workers, and workers that maintain and inspect infrastructure (including those that require cross-jurisdiction travel)
  • Employees of firms providing services that enable logistics operations, including cooling, storing, packaging, and distributing products for wholesale or retail sale or use.
  • Manufacturers and distributors (to include service centers and related operations) of packaging materials, pallets, crates, containers, and other supplies needed to support manufacturing, packaging staging and distribution operations”

Click here to read the full document published on the official website of the Department of Homeland Security  


United States

FAST interviews postponed

“All FAST interviews scheduled between March 19 and May 1, 2020, are postponed. Please log into your Trusted Traveller Program (TTP) System online account to reschedule your appointment. Interviews scheduled after May 1, 2020, may also be postponed, and the situation will be continually assessed. We acknowledge that this may be an inconvenience for some, however ensuring the safety of our staff and clients is a priority. Your understanding during this difficult time is appreciated. Please visit CBSA’s website regularly as the situation continues to evolve. FAST members who submitted an application for membership renewal prior to the expiry date on the card will maintain their membership and remain in active status for 18 months beyond the expiry date, and will be allowed to access FAST designated lanes.”

Read full document 



Canada’s life and health insurers confirm continued out-of-country medical coverage for the commercial trucking industry


“With restrictions to non-essential travel beginning in the coming days, Canada’s insurers want to be clear that commercial truckers will not lose their group out-of-country medical coverage due to recent travel restrictions,” Stephen Frank President and CEO of CLHIA said. “The commercial trucking industry is providing crucial services to support Canadians with goods at all times, but particularly now.”

Click here to read the full release published on the CLHIA web site  



Manufacturers who want to help produce goods Canada needs to curb the COVID-19 outbreak, please register on the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters site

Go to the Registration Form on the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Site. 

Canada | United States | Mexico |

Automakers announce temporary production shutdowns at their plats in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, at least until March 30.  

March 18, 2020

“Production at Ford’s U.S., Canadian and Mexican manufacturing facilities will be halted after Thursday evening’s shifts to March 30 to thoroughly clean and sanitize the company’s plants”
Read Ford’s release  


“General Motors Co. (NYSE: GM) confirmed it will begin a systematic orderly suspension of manufacturing operations in North America due to market conditions, to deep clean facilities and continue to protect people. The suspension will last until at least March 30. Production status will be reevaluated week-to-week after that.”

Read General Mortor’s release 


“Cooper Tire & Rubber Company announced it will temporarily shut down its tire manufacturing facilities in the United States and Mexico to protect the health and safety of employees and respond to market demand that has been impacted by coronavirus.”

Read release 


“Effective Saturday, March 21 at 3:45 a.m., Volkswagen Chattanooga will suspend production for one week, with current plans to resume production Sunday, March 29 at 10 p.m. This action is being taken to help ensure the health and safety of our team members as we conduct additional sanitation and cleaning procedures throughout the factory. We will also use this time to assess future production plans and market developments.”

Read release 


“The Swedish and US plants will be closed between March 26 and April 14”

Read release 


“Working with the UAW and listening to the concerns of our people, we have agreed to cease production at our plants across North America, starting progressively from today (March 18) through the end of March. ”

Read release 


United States

US Department of Transportation Expands National Emergency Declaration provides hours-of-service regulatory relief to commercial vehicles in Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak

March 18, 2020

“Under Secretary Chao’s leadership, FMCSA is providing additional regulatory relief to our nation’s commercial drivers to get critically important medical supplies, food, and household goods to Americans in need. The nation’s truck drivers are on the front lines of this effort and are critical to America’s supply chain. We will continue to support them and use our authority to protect the health and safety of the American people,” said FMCSA Acting Administrator Jim Mullen.

FMCSA’s expanded declaration provides for regulatory relief for commercial motor vehicle operations providing direct assistance supporting emergency relief efforts intended to meet immediate needs for:

  • Medical supplies and equipment related to the testing, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.
  • Supplies and equipment necessary for community safety, sanitation, and prevention of community transmission of COVID-19 such as masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, soap and disinfectants.
  • Food, paper products and other groceries for emergency restocking of distribution centers or stores.
  • Immediate precursor raw materials—such as paper, plastic or alcohol—that are required and to be used for the manufacture of essential items.
  • Fuel.
  • Equipment, supplies and persons necessary to establish and manage temporary housing, quarantine.
  • Persons designated by federal, state or local authorities for medical, isolation, or quarantine purposes.
  • Persons necessary to provide other medical or emergency services.”



Mexico |

COPARMEX proposes to the Government the suspension of ISR in the logistics and transport sector

On March 17, 2020.

“”From COPARMEX, and based on the powers that the law grants to the Federal Executive Branch in the event of epidemics, we make a series of additional proposals that could prevent the loss of jobs and activate our economy:

  • Temporary suspension of provisional Income Tax payments (own and withheld from wages), particularly in the airline, tourism, logistics and transportation sectors.
  • Temporary suspension of the Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS) for gasoline and diesel. “

Click here to read the full document published by COPARMEX (in Spanish) 




Mexicom Logistics Notice

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak,  there are currently unavoidable impacts on freight services.
However, Mexicom Logistics staff continues working hard from home to minimize the negative impact on your shipments.

We work together to keep North American Supply Chains running.

Send your quote requests at info@mexicomlogistics.com 

MexicomLogistics keeps working during COVID-19 pandemic


Marben Acosta Teran leads the international B2B marketing strategy for Mexicom Group. With a strong focus on delivering valuable and impactful content in the freight transportation and logistics industry, Marben is proud to be part of a dedicated team driving innovation and fostering continuous growth in the industry.
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